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Yearly Archives: 2013

September 23, 2013 no comments

On the origins of hypochondria

DrugBaron suffers from a condition for which there are no approved drugs.  At times it can be a debilitating condition, with obscure causes.  Like many psychological illnesses, sufferers are often dismissed as slightly crazy, suffering from something that (to a non-sufferer) appears to have no basis in reality.  DrugBaron suffers from a (relatively mild) case of hypochondria.

Where does this notion that every mild ache or pain might be the harbinger of something particularly nasty, or even fatal, come from?

A little introspection revealed three plausible risk factors.  And given that a fair proportion of DrugBaron’s readership is likely to share more than the average number of these putative predispositions, it will be interesting to see if you, gentle reader, recognize any of these feelings.


September 9, 2013 comments

Asset-centric project financing is AN answer – not THE answer

As In Vivo blog noted last week, asset-centric …

September 4, 2013 comments

Platform Technologies – the foundations of big pharma or their nemesis?

It has often been said that one of …


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